Грация Готти — одна из крупнейших мировых экспертов по детской книге, автор многих программ и выставок Болонский ярмарки детской книги, эксперт Международного совета IBBY, основательница школы для книготорговцев Accademia Drosselmeier и замечательного книжного магазина Stoppani на главной площади Болоньи.

Грация — куратор выставки «Рисованные миры: 1001 выдающаяся книга». Она прочитает вступительную лекцию к выставке и проведет по ней два кураторские экскурсии.
After she graduated in Pedagogy, in 1983 Grazia Gotti founded the Cooperativa Culturale Giannino
Stoppani with a group of kindergarten and primary school teachers and educators she had been working or was still working with.
The Cooperativa run an independent children's book store, organize exhibitions of children's books illustrators as well as training courses for teachers and educators.
Grazia Gotti currently collaborates with many publishers, scouting for books and curating book series. She also runs her own publishing house.
Since 2003 she is a member of the Board of Education of the Accademia Drosselmeier, a study centre and research and training school for teachers, educators, librarians, book sellers.
In 2013 she published her first book: A scuola con i libri. Avventure di una libraia-maestra,Rizzoli. In 2015 her second book Ne ho vedute tante da raccontar. Crescere con i libri is published by Giunti Editore .
In 2016 her third book 21 donne all'Assemblea is published by Bompiani.